Johann Georg Heintz Birnformiger Korpus. The J-shaped curved handle and beak spout with relief sculpted shell and rocaille work, as well as rib and palmette relief. Hood-shaped lid with partially gilded pinecone finial. On both sides of the wall, between large, shaded woodcut flowers, four-pass reserves framed by brown contoured gold vine and lattice ornamentation. Within are imposing rocky and tree-filled landscapes, with hinted architecture in the background. Corresponding landscape decor with gold lace border on the lid. Fine polychrome painting by Johann Georg Heintz (active 1720-1748) or J. G. Klinger (attributed). Gold No. 14. Press No. 11. Minor restoration; sword mark. Height 22 cm. Comparable painting attributed to J. G. Heintz on a cup with a dated saucer from the collection of Sir Augustus Wollaston Franks in the British Museum in London (Museum no. Franks. 93). See Rücket, Cat. Bayer. National Museum, No. 215; Pazauerk, Meissner Porcelain Painting, Fig. 18f.; Wark Collection, No. 470f. A splendid porcelain coffee jug finely painted with landscapes and "woodcut flowers" by J. G. Heintz and J. G. Klinger (attributed). Minor restored. Crossed swords mark. Meissen. Circa 1740-1745.
Meissen 1735-1739
Meissen 1750
Meissen 1760-1770
Meissen Конец 18 века.
Meissen После 1973 года.
Meissen 1760-1770
Meissen 1999
Meissen 1710
Meissen 1745
Meissen 1745
Meissen 1900
Meissen 1735-1745
Meissen 1745
Meissen 1760-1770
Lot No. 14456 Porcelain
Magnificent Meissen…
Meissen 1735
Lot No. 14423 Porcelain
Small Meissen teapo…
Meissen 1732-1739
Lot No. 14430 Porcelain
Large Meissen teapo…
Lot No. 15973 Porcelain
Kuznetsovs porcelai…
Kuznetsova M.S. soc…
Lot No. 14464 Porcelain
Meissen sand spread…
Meissen 1735
Lot No. 14470 Porcelain
Meissen coffee pot …
Meissen 1720-1725
Lot No. 15715 Porcelain
Porcelain tea pot, …
Kuznetsova M.S. soc…
Lot No. 14270 Porcelain
Snake handle vase
Lot No. 15465 Porcelain
A Russian Kuznetsov…
Kuznetsova M.S. soc…