Splendorous Becher vase with hunting decor

Немецкое или богемское хрустальное стекло, вырезанное и гравированное, ваза с охотничьей сценой

Colorless, thick-walled crystal glass. Conical shape. On the surrounding wall, a scenic decor in masterful deep cut, featuring two mounted riders and a hunting dog accompanying young men as they chase a red deer; below tongue-cut, the lip edge beveled and polished inward. Height 23.2 cm. A German or Bohemian cut and engraved crystal glass vase with hunting scene. Probably from the 1920s/30s.

08 Sep 2024

79 200,00


Country<Not determined>

Class Dishes , glasses

Lot location Kurgan region. ( 45 )

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