A porcelain group celebrating Jani by the Kuznetsov Company, Riga Porcelain Factory, with the overglaze blue Jubilee mark for 125 years, Riga, 1937 A group of two young men dressed in Latvian costume, with oak leaf wreaths on their heads and holding bundles of flowers in celebration of the Midsummer Eve festival of Jani, on domed base with cinnebar border, marked under base 14 in. (35.6 cm.) high
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Lot No. 15671 Porcelain
Porcelain figurine …
Kuznetsova M.S. soc…
Lot No. 14980 Porcelain
A Soviet porcelain …
Dmitrov Porcelain F… 1923
Lot No. 14960 Porcelain
Dulyovsky Porcelain… 1957
Lot No. 13502 Porcelain
Italian with Mandol…
Meissen 1900
Lot No. 14377 Porcelain
Rare Meissen figuri…
Lot No. 14409 Porcelain
Mythological Meisse…
Meissen Первая половина 18 века
Lot No. 14397 Porcelain
Young shepherdess
Meissen 1750
Lot No. 14402 Porcelain
Rare Meissen figuri…
Meissen 1760-1770
Lot No. 16039 Porcelain
A Kiev porcelain gr…
Kiev Experimental C…
Lot No. 13788 Porcelain
Clown statue circus
Lladro 1970
Lot No. 16076 Porcelain
Kiev Experimental C… 1962-1976