"View of Snowy Chasms" - an original late impressionistic landscape depicting a view of the snow-covered Snowy Chasms ("Snowy Cauldrons") in the Giant Mountains.

Georg Wickman

"Вид Заснеженных Лощин"

(1876 Löwenberg/Silesia - 1944 Schreiberhau/Niederschlesien) "View of the Snowy Ravines". Original title: Late Impressionistic landscape with a view of the snow-covered Snowy Ravines ("Sněžné Kotly") in the Giant Mountains. Wichmann returned to Silesia in 1901 after his studies at the academies in Breslau, Berlin, and Karlsruhe. In 1924, he settled in Schreiberhau in the Giant Mountains, and the Snowy Ravines were one of his favorite motifs. Oil on plywood panel. Signed. Further signed and titled on the reverse. 80 cm x 99 cm. Framed.

02 Sep 2024

168 600,00



Author Georg Wickman

Style Impressionism

Lot location Moscow ( 77 )

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