"A crowded scene from the Napoleonic Wars: Lassalle leads the attack of the 5th and 7th Hussar brigades."

P. L. Durand

"Многолюдная сцена из наполеоновских войн: Лазаль возглавляет атаку 5-й и 7-й гусарской бригады"

French painter and draftsman of the 20th century. "November 1806, LaSalle leading the charge of the 'Infernal Brigade' 5th and 7th Hussars". Original title: Multifigure scene from the Napoleonic Wars with the "Hell Brigade", led by the advancing General Antoine Charles Louis de Lasalle (1775-1809). He achieved the capitulation of Stettin at the end of October 1806, followed by the pursuit of General Blücher's troops and the capitulation of Lübeck. On November 21, 1806, the 5th and 7th Hussar regiments took part in the grand victory parade for Napoleon on the castle square in Berlin. The nickname "La Brigade Infernale" was based on the 26 days of exorbitant travel covering 1160 kilometers. Ink and watercolor with whitening on paper. Signed and dated 1964, titled and dedicated. 34.8 cm x 64 cm. Framed.

Lot No. 14102
13 Oct 2024

433 600,00



Author P. L. Durand

Style Genre painting


Lot location Moscow ( 77 )

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