(lot of 75) Russian Kuznetsov porcelain dinner service, each having a gilt rim, above floral branches on a cream ground, consisting of (23) luncheon plates, 9.5"dia., (11) salad plates, (9) bread plates, (4) soup bowls, a tureen with undertray, (2) vegetable serving dishes, (3) oval serving dishes, a circular serving tray, (6) demitasse cups and saucers, two coffee cups, and two small trays, a footed compote, (2) sauceboats, a lidded sugar, another handled centerpiece, and an associate lid
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Lot No. 14222 Porcelain
Fish service with "…
Lot No. 15424 Porcelain
Kuznetsov Riga-Dule…
Kuznetsova M.S. soc…
Lot No. 15240 Porcelain
Kuznetsova M.S. soc…
Lot No. 10007 Porcelain
Rare authentic figu…
Yerevan Faience Fac…
Lot No. 14929 Porcelain
Russian shoemaker m…
Kuznetsova M.S. soc…
Lot No. 14201 Porcelain
Six soup cups "Kurl…
KPM (Knallegårdens …
Lot No. 14235 Porcelain
Catering service "M…
Lot No. 14483 Silver
Bundle of salt shak…
Lot No. 14198 Porcelain
Appetizer service "…
KPM (Knallegårdens …