A neo-Russian style glazed majolica jug by the M.S. Kuznetsov porcelain factory. Decorated with images of mythical creatures, human figures and an inscription in Russian that reads: "A wise wife is a joy and wealth." Incised maker's mark and number 3153 on the bottom.
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Kuznetsova M.S. society
Lot No. 15250 Porcelain
Kuznetsova M.S. soc…
Lot No. 15501 Porcelain
Earthenware vase "I…
Kuznetsova M.S. soc…
Lot No. 15830 Porcelain
A Russian Porcelain…
Kuznetsova M.S. soc…
Lot No. 15851 Porcelain
Kuznetsov porcelain…
Kuznetsova M.S. soc…
Lot No. 10636 Pictures
Glitch, the music h…
Boris Engelgard 1995
Lot No. 14296 Porcelain
Offering dish with …
Lot No. 14863 Sundry
Miniature round-top…