Leningrad Plant named after Lomonosov
Leningrad Plant named after Lomonosov
Leningrad Plant named after Lomonosov 1960-е гг
Leningrad Plant named after Lomonosov
Leningrad Plant named after Lomonosov 1935
Leningrad Plant named after Lomonosov 1927
Leningrad Plant named after Lomonosov
Leningrad Plant named after Lomonosov
Leningrad Plant named after Lomonosov 1923
Leningrad Plant named after Lomonosov
Leningrad Plant named after Lomonosov
Leningrad Plant named after Lomonosov
Leningrad Plant named after Lomonosov 1940-е
Leningrad Plant named after Lomonosov
Leningrad Plant named after Lomonosov 1924
Leningrad Plant named after Lomonosov 1950-1960
Leningrad Plant named after Lomonosov
Leningrad Plant named after Lomonosov 1920-1930
Leningrad Plant named after Lomonosov
Leningrad Plant named after Lomonosov 1950 - 1960
Lot No. 13826 Porcelain
The boy on the beach
Leningrad Plant nam…
Lot No. 13971 Porcelain
Boy on the beach
Leningrad Plant nam… 1955 -1960
Lot No. 13786 Porcelain
Figure "DOG - LAIKA"
Gzhel 50-60
Lot No. 13801 Porcelain
Porcelain figurine,…
Carl Scheidig KG (G…
Lot No. 12890 Porcelain
Cossack Karas with …
Gorodnitsky porcela…
Lot No. 12841 Porcelain
Laika, dog.
Gzhel 1960-е
Lot No. 154 Porcelain
Leningrad Plant nam…