Art of Antwerp: 1601 Antwerp - 1678 the same place

Jan Brueghel the Younger

Искусство Антверпена

(1601 Antwerp - 1678 ibid.) Flowers in a blue and white Chinese porcelain vase placed on a table. Vase with a bouquet of tulips, roses, daffodils, and an imperial crown (Fritillaria imperialis), with fallen petals already on the plate. Although the size of the cabinet painting restricts it, the painter succeeded in depicting the colorful spring and summer flowers in rich detail and naturalness, with each individual flower unfolding an impressive radiance. Despite the vibrant and lively colors, this still life is also a vanitas allegory - as the flowers depicted here will wither. It shows the painter's skill in combining flowers from different months and seasons in one painting, capturing the transient beauty of divine creation. This flower painting shows that he, like hardly any other painter of his time, reached the paternal level of quality of Jan Brueghel the Elder. Oil on oak panel. 19.5 cm x 11.8 cm. Frame. According to the oral information of the deceased expert Klaus Ertz in early August 2023, who saw the painting in the original, it is not an earlier attribution (from 2014) of a still life from the circle of Andries Daniels, but an authentic work by Jan Brueghel the Younger; General literature: Klaus Ertz: "Jan Brueghel the Younger (1601-1678). The Paintings with a Critical Oeuvre Catalog", Freiburg 1984.

Lot No. 14808
15 Dec 2024

5 780 400,00


CountryThe Netherlands

Author Jan Brueghel the Younger

Style Still-life


Lot location Moscow ( 77 )

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