Porcelain figurine "VETEROK SIGHTSEER" ZIK KONAKOVO USSR PERIOD 1960 h:25x24 cm.

Kanakovskiy faience factory

Porcelain figurine "VETEROK SIGHTSEER" ZIK KONAKOVO USSR PERIOD 1960 h:25x24 cm.Porcelain figurine "VETEROK SIGHTSEER" ZIK KONAKOVO USSR PERIOD 1960 h:25x24 cm.Porcelain figurine "VETEROK SIGHTSEER" ZIK KONAKOVO USSR PERIOD 1960 h:25x24 cm.Porcelain figurine "VETEROK SIGHTSEER" ZIK KONAKOVO USSR PERIOD 1960 h:25x24 cm.Porcelain figurine "VETEROK SIGHTSEER" ZIK KONAKOVO USSR PERIOD 1960 h:25x24 cm.Porcelain figurine "VETEROK SIGHTSEER" ZIK KONAKOVO USSR PERIOD 1960 h:25x24 cm.Porcelain figurine "VETEROK SIGHTSEER" ZIK KONAKOVO USSR PERIOD 1960 h:25x24 cm.
Porcelain figurine "VETEROK SIGHTSEER" ZIK KONAKOVO USSR PERIOD 1960 h:25x24 cm.
11 Sep 2024

Lot location Moscow ( 77 )

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