Genetic Memory of Eden - canvas, oil

Borislav Taro

Генетическая память о Рае холст, масло

Fantasies in Hyperspace

Man was created to live in paradise. And in this world, he is a refugee. Vladislav Gzhehschik

If you live in paradise, nothing is sacred to you. Arkady Davidovich

In paradise, there is everything except life. Boris Krutier

Of all the pleasures in this world, man loves sexual intimacy the most, but he has not found a place for it in his paradise. Mark Twain

Hell we can create ourselves. We can only hope for paradise. Sardonikus

No one can enter paradise without realizing first that they deserve hell. John W. Everett

23 Sep 2024

5 000,00




Author Borislav Taro

Style Landscape

Lot location Moscow ( 77 )

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