In the shaft of a swinging bell foot, an ovoid body, bell-shaped lid, and knob. Deep violet glass, partially cut, etched, and gilded oroplastic decor consisting of two friezes with musically playing ladies or acanthus tendrils. Height: 31.2 cm. A Bohemian cut violet glass candy box and cover with acid-etched and gilt decor by Johann Oertel in Haida (Nový Bor), Bohemia. Haida (Nový Bor), Johann Oertel & Co.; around 1925.
Lot No. 15011 Porcelain
Soviet vase, an ima…
Dulyovsky Porcelain…
Lot No. 13125 Glass, crystal
Foot bowl by Johann…
Lot No. 13126 Glass, crystal
Moser Trophy
Lot No. 14857 Sundry
A pair of enamel va…
Lot No. 15334 Porcelain
Sgd Kuznetsov Porce…
Kuznetsova M.S. soc…
Lot No. 15778 Porcelain
Kuznetsof Ceramic v…
Kuznetsova M.S. soc…
Lot No. 13156 Silver
Great Baroque Stem …
Lot No. 15510 Porcelain
Porcelain vase
Kuznetsova M.S. soc…
Lot No. 15650 Porcelain
Kuznetsova M.S. soc…