
Коростенский фарфоровый завод

"Субботник" in English can be translated as "Saturday clean-up" or "community clean-up." It refers to a community event where people gather on a Saturday to participate in cleaning and maintaining public spaces such as parks or streets."Субботник" in English can be translated as "Saturday clean-up" or "community clean-up." It refers to a community event where people gather on a Saturday to participate in cleaning and maintaining public spaces such as parks or streets."Субботник" in English can be translated as "Saturday clean-up" or "community clean-up." It refers to a community event where people gather on a Saturday to participate in cleaning and maintaining public spaces such as parks or streets."Субботник" in English can be translated as "Saturday clean-up" or "community clean-up." It refers to a community event where people gather on a Saturday to participate in cleaning and maintaining public spaces such as parks or streets."Субботник" in English can be translated as "Saturday clean-up" or "community clean-up." It refers to a community event where people gather on a Saturday to participate in cleaning and maintaining public spaces such as parks or streets.
"Субботник" in English can be translated as "Saturday clean-up" or "community clean-up." It refers to a community event where people gather on a Saturday to participate in cleaning and maintaining public spaces such as parks or streets.

Тематика : Агитация

Завод : Коростеньский фарфоровый завод

Субботник (Коростень (УССР). Автор В. Трегубова. В идеальном состоянии

09 Май 2024

11 900,00


СтранаСССР 1961 - 1985

Изготовитель Коростенский фарфоровый завод

Тип Статуэтки

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